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A 365 Days Savings Plan, Returns You With A Big Surprise

 Hi Dear,     Recently, I came to know about a 365 days savings plan. I thought of sharing it with you, the moment I heard.     All of us, especially Indians have a good sense of saving money. Many of us are saving money in banks in different forms like RD, FD,...Some of us invested in Real estates, Mutual funds, Share  markets, and the list goes on.....I am not going to tell you, how to save money in all these. I have a simple plan to save money at home. For this you need to have determination, patience and self discipline. Money is not everything, but it is important. Money can't buy happiness, but it is definitely a stress reliever. So, we need to do something today to save money, that our future self will thank us for. Ok! I will tell you how to do that.... Take a piggy bank,  Put 1 Dirham/Rupee/Dollar  or whatever currency you have on the first day. On Second day, put 2 Dirham/Rupee/Dollar.... put 3 Rupee on third day, put 95 Rupees on 95th day...put 365 Rupees on 365th day. 
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Amazing Face Pack For All Skin Types

Hi Dear,      Nowadays, we can see parlors wherever we go. That is because we all became beauty conscious now. We all want a glowing, gorgeous face. There is a saying that, "First impression is the best impression". That first impression is happening by seeing the face. So to get a healthy glowing face, we all are running to parlors, spending hours and money.     Some may have pimples, some may have wrinkles, some may have dark circles, some may have dull face. So, wherever we go, our close ones will give their own ideas to get rid of all these skin problems. Some may suggest you some creams, some will give you some home remedies. We can also see sooo many advertisements for beauty products.      I have a simple solution to get a healthy, glowing skin. No need to spend hours and money for this. Once you try this, you will do this regularly. Am sure, you'll definitely like this.  MY BEAUTY FACE PACK:     Take 1 tablespoon of MULTANI MITTI (Fuller's earth), 1 tablespoon

Spicy Prawn Gravy

  Hi Dear,      Prawns are considered as a healthiest foods in the world, because of their nutritional benefits. Prawns are a great source of high quality protein, and provide some of the most important vitamins and minerals that make up a healthy diet. I am going to tell you the best way to prepare Spicy Prawn Gravy.     This Prawn gravy goes well with Chapathi and Rice. This prawn gravy have simple steps and you will get a tasty prawn gravy in 30 minutes. How to Prepare Prawn Gravy : For this gravy am taking 1/2 kg well cleaned prawn. Initially we need to prepare a masala for this gravy. 1. Take a pan, pour 2 tsp sesame oil,  2 tsp coriander seeds, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp fennel seeds, 1 tsp pepper seeds, 1/2 tsp Fenugreek seeds, 5 to 7 Red chilly (you can change the numbers according to your spicy level) 1/2 hand full of curry leaves. Roast it in low flame for about 1 or 2 minutes. You will get a nice aroma. Switch off the flame. Let it cool. After that grind it into paste. 2. Take

Easy Remedy to Eradicate Cockroaches Forever

How To Completely Eradicate  Cockroaches ? Hi  Dear,     Certain Species of Cockroaches can remain active for a month without food. Cockroaches are filthy, and they are capable of reproducing fast. These roaches have the ability to be seemingly impossible to kill. So you might think, unless you are a pest control professional, you are going to have a tough time getting rid of cockroaches. That is not true... actually there is a simple way to completely eradicate the cockroaches without much effort.     Roaches are  disguisting. Roaches are mostly attracted to dirty dishes in the sink, garbage, spilled food on the floor and excess moisture.     Roaches mostly roam in the night. However, you clean the house, you maintain a tidy home, cockroaches approach your house for food and water. One step easy simple remedy to eradicate cockroach is Boric Acid Powder. If you don't have baby and pet in your house, Boric Acid is a easy remedy. How To Use Boric Acid To Kill Cockroaches: First Clean

How To Make Adhirasam For Beginners

  Hi Dear,     Adhirasam is a traditional desert eaten by South Indians. Adhirasam is usually prepared and consumed during Diwali celebrations. A simple adhirasam recipe does not need any exotic ingredients. If you do it calmly, it is a perfect sweet and it is very very easy to make also. There are only very few steps to follow.     I have heard from many like this adhirasam making is a challenging job. I tried for the first time, I failed. I  analyzed and corrected the mistake. In the second attempt, SUCCESS!!! I won. I got the perfect adhirasam. So I wanted to share you the secret through this blog. I will tell you the step by step process.  Measurement For Adhirasam :     For 1 cup raw rice,             3/4 cup Jaggery (Pagu vellam in Tamil),            1/4 spoon  cardamom powder,              1/2 spoon sesame seeds (Black).     For this measurement we can get around 15 medium size adhirasam. 1. Soak and dry raw rice : Take 1 cup of raw rice and soak in water for 2 hours.  Clean it

I Choose Happiness Today

 Hi Dear,      This Human imagination is a very powerful thing.You know! an average person has more than 6000 thoughts per day. In that most of them are negative and most of them are repetitive. In this hurry world, this baseless worries are a major source of stress, tension, and cause of exhaustion not only for mind but also for our body. Everyone gets depressed occasionally, but it should not be persistent in one's life.     If we start writing our thoughts, we could write a book each day. That book will be full of baseless worries, fears, regrets and complaints about ourselves and others, with very few positive chapters. Some people overthink, not because they want to be sad. They just  feel too much, they value things, emotions and promises.  This end up in negative thoughts.     Some practices will help you to get out of negative thoughts : 1. Listen to Music :     Listening to music helps to improve our mental well being and boost our  physical  health in astonishing way. 2. 

How To Make Filter Coffee

 Hi Dear,      Filter Coffee is a coffee drink made with  milk and decoction. Outside India this " Filter Coffee " is referred as " Drip Brew Coffee".      Making of this Filter Coffee is very easy. I will tell you how to make aromatic Filter Coffee. For this first you must have a perfect Filter Coffee powder. Am using a Filter Coffee powder which contains 80% coffee and 20% chicory (does not contain any caffeine but resembles coffee in all other ways). Chicory enhances taste, aroma and makes the coffee mellow.   How to make Filter Coffee :    To make filter coffee only we need to take 3 simple steps : Heat 3/4 cup of full fat milk gently and slowly till the milk begins to rise in the vessel. Switch off the flame. Then in a glass, pour 1/4 cup of decoction (Preparation of decoction explained in detail below) and add 1 tablespoon of  dark brown sugar( you can change the measurement  according to your taste) and mix it well. Then add the boiled milk . Mix it  thorough