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A 365 Days Savings Plan, Returns You With A Big Surprise

 Hi Dear,

    Recently, I came to know about a 365 days savings plan. I thought of sharing it with you, the moment I heard.

    All of us, especially Indians have a good sense of saving money. Many of us are saving money in banks in different forms like RD, FD,...Some of us invested in Real estates, Mutual funds, Share markets, and the list goes on.....I am not going to tell you, how to save money in all these. I have a simple plan to save money at home. For this you need to have determination, patience and self discipline.

Money is not everything, but it is important. Money can't buy happiness, but it is definitely a stress reliever. So, we need to do something today to save money, that our future self will thank us for.

Ok! I will tell you how to do that.... Take a piggy bank, 

Put 1 Dirham/Rupee/Dollar or whatever currency you have on the first day. On Second day, put 2 Dirham/Rupee/Dollar.... put 3 Rupee on third day, put 95 Rupees on 95th day...put 365 Rupees on 365th day. 

Note down carefully, am not adding one, one rupee a day.... am adding 1st day, 1 Rupee, 5th day, 5 rupees....100th day, 100 rupees...225th day, 225 rupees...finally 365th day, 365 rupees....

By doing this, you will get 66,795 rupees/dirhams/dollars....on 366th day....

Some will be having a less salary, they cannot put 100 or 200 everyday....In that case, they can start a monthly plan for 30 days....For 30 days in the same formula if they start saving money, they can save 465 rupees/dirhams/dollars. 

    I will tell you, how to calculate this...This savings plan works on a formula n(n+1)/2...

    That is.....365(365+1)/2 = 365*366/2 =133590/2 = 

    66,795 Dirhams/ Rupees/Dollars....

Same way... for 30 days... 30(30+1)/2 = 30*31/2 = 930/2 = 

    465 Dirhams/Rupees/Dollars....

If you are saving in Dirhams for 365 days and converting it into will get  13,35,900 Rupees...which is a huge amount....

The art in money is not making money, but in keeping it....We have to save money today, so that money will save us in future...Start this saving plan on 1st of next that you will not get confused, how much to put in the piggy bank.... So start saving money and have a happy and a stress free life.....

                                                                                            -Ur Bestie


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