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Avoid Being A Bored Housewife

 Hi Dear,

     All women are working women, but only few are salaried. The non-salaried woking women are commonly referred as Housewife.

    Am Supria, a non-salaried working women (Housewife) in UAE, here to tell you about some ideas of what you can do when you feel bored.

    Most of whom all share the same professional title of HOUSEWIFE on our visas. You do not have any friends here? You don't know what to do when you feel bored? Then this is for you...

    We all have moments when time seems to drag on.The first and foremost thing we do is to call someone, especially to mom. Once the phone is done, we try TV, but that also very boring nowadays.Then again we go to social media pages. There we can see so many negative things which also ruin our mood.

    Wait,wait! am able to hear that you are scolding me, what are you trying to say? right....Am telling my ideas...

1. Drawing: Drawing is also a form of meditation.

   If you have a white paper and a pencil, start drawing something that goes into your mind.Colour your drawing. Many of us think that we should draw perfectly. It should not be like that. All of us are not Usain Bolt, but we can run. Same way draw whatever you want. Tear the paper afterwards if you don't like it. Not a big deal!

2. Try New Hairstyle:

       For a women, a new hairstyle gives a new confidence.When life doesn't allow us to change anything, atleast we can change our hairstyle.Try curling it or straighten it or do whatever you want. See if you can find any new look. So when you go out next time you can go with your new hairstyle!

3. Take a Bubble Bath:

        Bubble bath is soooooo relaxing.... You know! An hour of long soak at 38 degrees can burn an average of 130 calories, which is equivalent of doing 40 situps or walking for half an hour. Taking a bath can improve your mood also. Make sure the water is warm. Some people like to bring a good book to read. Don't bring any thriller stories. That won't help you to relax!

4.Write all your known recipes in a notebook:

        You might be knowing an average amount of your family recipes. Write everything in a notebook one by one. Somedays we feel like "What will I cook now?, very boring". That time take a look from your recipe book. It will help you what to do.

You can make a small small correction in your recipe and can find a new yummy one. With that you can make a small cooking videos in youtube. And who knows ? one day everyone may follow your way of cooking. 

    No one is born as a great cook, everyone learns by doing it. So Try it and learn it, you will definitely love it!

    Was it helpful? Comment me my dear friend....     

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